If you know of someone who belongs to the autistic spectrum disorder or someone beloved with special needs, it is essential for you to know the importance of a normalised sensory reception.
While the exact causes and cure for autism are still unknown, there are several contributing factors that have been found to be aggravating the symptoms. Sound stimuli are one such factor that can alter brain function in people with autism as they are extremely sensitive to noise.
Neurofeedback therapies like the use of neuro soundwaves and sound therapy have thus been found to be very useful in normalising brain function in autistic people, especially children. Let us see how neuro soundwaves can help an autistic person.
What is Autistic Spectrum Disorder?
It is important to understand that autistic spectrum disorder manifests differently for different people. High functioning people who fall in the spectrum are usually diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome. ASD is actually a broad term covering a range of neurodevelopmental disorders.
People with ASD might find difficulty in social interaction and communication. It is a condition that occurs regardless of race, ethnicity and geographical origin. It has been estimated that about 1 in 59 children have ASD. Increasing awareness of the condition has also led to an increase in the number of diagnoses over the years.
Like mentioned earlier, autism covers a wide group of disorders and there are different types of it. Each person may experience it differently. The most commonly recognized factors of ASD include:
- ASD with or without intellectual impairment
- ASD with or without language impairment
- Known Contributing factors like medical or genetic condition.
- ASD along with other mental or behavioral disorder
- ASD with catatonia
The diagnosis of ASD can differ largely based on the categories above and depending on the functional level, a person could be diagnosed from the Aspergers spectrum to childhood disintegrative disorder.
Symptoms of ASD
Most symptoms of ASD deal with language development and communication. An autistic person usually exhibits repetitive patterns of behaviour and might have some of their own restrictions.
Some common symptoms include
- Communication problems such as
- Sharing of emotions and feelings is difficult and the person is not able to hold lengthy conversations
- Making eye contact and understanding body language can be a difficulty
- They find it difficult to conform to the social situation and might have difficulties forming and maintaining relationships.
- Repeated movements, speech patterns
- Strict following of rules and routines
- Increased sensitivity to specific sensory inputs.
- Preoccupied in their own world.
The severity of the symptoms could vary from person to person but a diagnosis is made only when a person exhibits communication problems and at least two of the other symptoms.
Neuro Technology and Autism
ASD is basically a neurodevelopmental disorder, meaning if you can normalize brain function, the symptoms could be alleviated to a good extent.
Neurofeedback mechanisms like neuro soundwaves help you achieve the exact same thing with the help of accurately toned soundwaves that can alter brain function.
Our brain emits electrical pulses that can cause vibrations. These vibrations are usually known as the brain waves and belong to certain frequencies depending on the brain operation.
For instance, the brain waves show a high frequency when you are in a high alert mode. A very slow frequency of brain waves indicates a relaxed brain. Our emotions and state of mind directly affect the frequency of brain waves.
The concept behind a neurofeedback therapy is that by regulating the brain waves, one can inversely regulate brain activity as well. This has been proven in several studies by measuring the brain waves using EEG (Electroencephalogram). By letting people control their own brain waves, people with ASD can reinforce their brains to work the same way as in people without ASD.
A study conducted in 2006 revealed that Neurofeedback sessions have been able to reduce autistic symptoms by 40 percent. Neuro soundwaves work on the same principle and are capable of strengthening the neural connections and remedying the connectivity disturbances in the brain.
Most ASD patients have both hyper-connectivity and deficient connectivity in brain activity. Both of these can be improved very well with the help of coherence training and neurofeedback approaches like neuro soundwaves.
What Are Neuro Soundwaves And How Can They Help?
Neuro soundwaves are soundwaves attuned to a particular frequency that is capable of synchronising our brain waves. They work under the principle of resonance. They are very similar to binaural beats.
When two accompanying beats play in slightly differing frequencies, our brain will attune itself to bridge the gap in the difference of frequencies. This forces the brain to sync to the desired frequency and thereby can be inversely used to affect our mental state and emotions.
Our neuro soundwaves take this practicality to the next level by embedding a piece of music with highly specialised soundwaves to enforce the brain waves into the desired zone. They can cause actual physical resonance of neurons by creating vibrations of brain cells at micro-levels.
Neuro soundwaves pave way for a harmless soothing neurofeedback session that can greatly improve the brain’s unions in an autistic person.
As mentioned earlier, the autistic disorder can manifest extreme sensitivity to certain sound stimuli. This can hinder the language development and communication abilities of the child in the autistic spectrum.
As the child feels a painful response to sound, they may close off their hearing mechanism to an extent. This may cause loss of muscle tonicity over time which in turn makes them less responsive to sound simulations.
Lacking proper processing of sound input leads to incorrect analysis. This could be the root of several communication and intellectual impairments that an autistic person has to go through.
By closing off their auditory input, autistic children become unable to distinguish the emotional message from what is being said to them.
Neuro soundwaves can be a huge help in these cases as they can let the person reopen their listening capacity. The specialised tones and beats can help them exercise their ear muscles. It also enhances their neural connections and repairs any distortions in sensory perception.
High-frequency neural soundwaves have also been found to emulate an increased emotional response from autistic children.
Our soundwaves are constructed carefully by making use of specialised algorithms. These algorithms are designed making use of extensive knowledge of brain waves and functionality to derive precise results.
Sound input is an integral part of brain integration has a lot to do with communication and language development. These are also the defining areas where an autistic person finds a lot of difficulties. By helping to strengthen the neural connections and enhancing their sensory perception, neural soundwaves invariably help in an improved living for autistic patients.
It gives them the doorway to unlocking the expressions and emotions behind conversations.
It can be effectively used to increase emotional response and a greater interest in developing relationships among autistic patients. It helps a lot in dealing with the emotional isolation that most autistic people demonstrate. Eye contact and body language that promotes social interaction have seen to be improved after regular sessions of neurofeedback studies.